This Week's Torah Portion
Re'eh "See"
TURE: DaBaRIM 11:26 -16:17
MaSHICH-anic: IEUCHaNAN 16:1 - 17:26
You shall not hesitate to give, nor murmur when you do give; because you shall know who is the good repayer of the hire. You shall not turn away from him that is in want, but you shall share all things with your brother, and shall not say that they are your own; for if you are partakers in that which is immortal, how much more in things which are mortal?
(Didache 4:7-8)
Noah's Remnant Marched into the ship 2x2 and were saved! Likewise, the
Way the Messianic's that share the two witnesses of OT and NT, Jew and
Gentile that turn from Replacement Theology and Graft into the Olive
Tree, AL SHaDAI and The Menorah Lamps shall be the Remnant that Sails
the Ship to Tsiyon.
~The end.
ISH 44, 49, Rom 3:1-2, 3:9, 7:18, Hb 11:11, 1 Co 9:21, Rom 11, Rev 1:8, Col 11, Gal 3:8, Rom 10:2, Ps 51:18, 122:6. Rom 1;16, 9:11-3, Acts 9, 14:1, 19:22, 3 Jn 9:11, Jer 2:51, Ps 22:13, Rom 11
Courtesy of Dan Gillispie Atty ShomairyIsrael
Children of the
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